The 10 Mistakes Couples Make and How You Can Avoid Them When Choosing Ukranian Surrogacy.

This FREE ebook was written for you, the couple who is looking at Ukranian Surrogacy as a possible solution for your journey. Susan, who is the founder of Delivering Dreams has put together her 25 years' experience and shares some of the common mistakes couples make when deciding on Ukranian Surrogacy options.

This ebook will provide you with peace of mind and help get you started with confidence. This is the first step in making the correct decisions on your journey to bringing home your healthy baby.

We know you'll love it, and that it will be a fantastic resource to help you in the decision-making process.


FREE EBOOK: 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Ukrainian Surrogacy

By Susan Kersch-Kibler

Download Your Free Copy Now


10 Mistakes to Avoid in Ukrainian Surrogacy

Is a guide written for the couple researching the maze of Ukrainian surrogacy

This downloadable gift is written for those looking to ensure their surrogacy journey learns successfully to you brining home your healthy baby.

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Ukrainian Surrogacy is for those exploring surrogacy in Ukraine for the first time; a way to introduce yourself to critical factors that will influence your success. It is also an indispensable tool for couples at the final stage of their decision process to avoid pitfalls and ensure success.

It will help to choose the right agency to protect yourself from the 10 Mistakes in Ukrainian Surrogacy.


Susan Kersch-Kibler is the founder of Delivering Dreams International Surrogacy. Susan has over 2 decades of experience living and working in Ukraine. She has a passion for advocating for future parents and protect them from ever being taken advantage of.


Ella Gitin

I don't have enough words to describe the work with Susan. She is such a caring person that will go the extra mile in order to meet your goals. We had a very complex situation, that other agencies didn't even bothered to check and look into our possibilities. Susan was not willing to commit without first finding a solution to our problem - which she miraculously did reaching out to several lawyers and government official in several countries. If you want to have someone supporting and being there with you every step of the way - Susan is the one. It is not an easy journey and you will be lucky if Susan will be the one to support you along this way.

Susan Seare

Susan has the ability to really connect on a personal level quickly. I have found her easy to talk to and have been so grateful for her guidance. She is one of those people who offers so much to her clients. She sees the big picture and has a heart for the most intimate concerns. She is highly skilled and able to manage what can certainly be challenging and uncomfortable experiences, making them feel easier. She will take charge at the perfect times and guide you when you really need her. She's a little like a North Star...she will encourage you to have confidence and help you reach for your dreams.

FREE EBOOK: 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Ukrainian Surrogacy

By Susan Kersch-Kibler

Download Your Free Copy Now

Under Ukrainian law, surrogacy is a legal affordable option for traditionally married couples to have children using their own embryos, or with either an egg or sperm donor. There must be a medical reason you can’t carry a child. You are also able to participate if you have had 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts.


Under Ukrainian law, surrogacy is a legal affordable option for traditionally married couples to have children using their own embryos, or with either an egg or sperm donor. There must be a medical reason you can’t carry a child. You are also able to participate if you have had 4 unsuccessful IVF attempts.